Broad support for the CSDDD

Based on internationally accepted standards on Responsible Business Conduct, the EU has developed legislation over the past years. The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is set to level the playing field in the internal market in this regard.
The final compromise is widely supported by large companies, SMEs, civil society organizations, trade unions and other stakeholders across Europe.

Business Statement

Dutch business statement on the EU Omnibus proposal

40 Dutch companies
International Organisation Statement

The CSDDD builds upon universal instruments.

UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
European UnionEuropean Union
Experts Statement

French National Human Rights Institution Statement on Omnibus

[translation from French original]
Multistakeholder Statement

Omnibus Simplification Package Creates Uncertainty

9 Finnish businesses (large companies & SMEs) | 2 Trade Unions | 17 NGOs
Business Statement

Investors call on the European Commission to preserve the integrity and ambition of theEU’s sustainable finance framework

Investors with €6.6 T Assets under Management,  211 signatories
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

A legal framework is needed to bring about real change. Specifically, the legislator must provide clear guidelines, binding standards and sufficient resources for practical implementation at an early stage.

Representing 10’000 German companies of all sizes, €1,25 T purchasing volume
Business Statement

Cocoa Coalition statement on Omnibus initiative

6 companies,  2 certification organizations,  3 NGO,  2 multi-stakeholder organisations
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Business views on the EU omnibus proposal

11 companies and networks
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Amundi, EDF Among Firms Asking EU Not to Water Down ESG Rules

400+ Chief Sustainability Officers of French companies
Business Statement

In light of increasing and often inconsistent human rights and environmental regulations in various countries, we support the harmonisation of appropriate due diligence obligations for companies, such as the CSDDD.

[translation from Dutch original]
Union Statement

DGB and Works Councils of German DAX40-companies strongly support mandatory due diligence

DGB (umbrella organization of the German trade unions) + works councils of all DAX 40-companies
Political Statement

Corporate sustainability due diligence: Council gives its final approval

Ministers of the 27 EU Member States
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

A fair and sustainable future for people and planet

100+ companies
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

The RBA welcomes the adoption of the CSDDD by the European Parliament

230 companies,  $7,7 T turnover
European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

The CSDDD is a real milestone and would demonstrate the concrete European commitment to promotion of sustainable business conduct

90+ companies, investors, CSOs and academic orgs
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

AIM praises the EU for enacting laws to enhance human rights and environmental standards in supply chains

2500+ brands
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Eurosif welcomes European Parliament vote on CSDDD

400 Europe-based organisations from the sustainable investment industry, organized in 10 national Sustainable Investment Fora (SIFs)
European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

Fair Labour Association welcomes European Parliament passage of EU CSDDD

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

COCERAL, FEDIOL and FEFAC welcome the adoption of the CSDDD by the European Parliament

Representing the EU grain and vegetable oil trading industry
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

EUROBAT welcomes the adoption of the CSDDD by the European Parliament and commits to lead sustainability in the battery industry

Representing the automotive and industrial battery manufacturers
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Now that the EU Parliament has adopted the CSDDD, the Corporate Leaders Group calls on the EU Council to endorse this decision and adopt this long-awaited law!

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

HEMA welcomes the adoption of the CSDDD by the European Parliament

Political Statement

MEPs adopt rules for firms on human rights and environment

Approved with 374 votes against 235 and 19 abstentions
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Broad business support for the CSDDD

83 companies + associations
Business Statement

Recommendations of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition for the new Dutch Cabinet

8 major brands
Business Statement

European Shippers’ Council welcomes the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) proposal although it has been revised and watered down compared to the previous version

representing around 100’000 European companies active in import, export and intercontinental business
European UnionEuropean Union
Political Statement

With the changes made in the final stage of the negotiations, the Government considers that the compromise text has, on the whole, moved in such a positive direction in terms of Swedish positions that Sweden can support it.

Political Statement

Statement by Palazzo Chigi on EU packaging and packaging waste regulation and corporate sustainability due diligence directive

Multistakeholder Statement

We call on the Italian government to support the adoption of the CSDDD

38 companies + associations,  12 CSO
Multistakeholder Statement

Time is running out – Sweden must vote in favor of a law on corporate responsibility for human rights, environment and climate!

Experts Statement

Three reasons to vote for the EU CSDDD

Business Statement

Peru, Ivory Coast and Ukraine business organisations call for EU CSDDD

Business Statement

Holcim supports the implementation of regulatory frameworks that require mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence. A common legal requirement, such as that proposed at the European Union level, contributes to bringing companies to the same standard.

(see page 114 of Annual Teport 2023), 
European UnionEuropean Union
Political Statement

Statement by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine on the CSDDD

Business Statement

Belgian Declaration in Support of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Experts Statement

Ukrainian civil society calls the EU to be consistent in promoting more resilient and responsible business conduct

60 Ukrainian scholars, human rights and environment defenders and CSOs
Business Statement

EU Due Diligence: Not voting for the compromise would further weaken the competitiveness of French companies

1200+ companies
Business Statement

evofenedex remains supportive of European CSR law

10’000+ members
Multistakeholder Statement

Statement by the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government on the CSDDD

Business Statement

We welcome forthcoming landmark legislation in the EU on Responsible Business Conduct

Business Statement

Statement by VNO-NCW

Business umbrella organisation (member of BusinessEurope)
Business Statement

Due Diligence Directive, CNA in favour

600’000+ SME,  1.2 M employees (member of SMEunited)
Business Statement

Statement by MKB-Nederland

150’000 SME (member of SMEunited)
Business Statement

The government should support the adoption of the EU Directive on corporate responsibility

10’000+ SME,  600’000 employees
Business Statement

We do not want the CSR Directive to fail

Business umbrella organisation (member of BusinessEurope)
Business Statement

Statement of the Cocoa Coalition on the CSDDD

7 companies,  2 certification organizations,  3 NGO,  1 multi-stakeholder organisation (Cocoa Initiative)
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Mandatory international regulation covering the whole value chain is needed to promote responsibility

200+ companies
International Organisation Statement

Joint statement by OHCHR, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS on the EU CSDDD

6 UN agencies
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Corporate responsibility is an international competitive asset for Finnish companies

Political Statement

No blocking of human rights and environmental protection – German approval of the Supply Chain Act!

Social Democrats (in government)
Multistakeholder Statement

We call on the Italian government to support the adoption of the CSDDD

3 companies,  2 CSO
Business Statement

Fairtrade Italia statement

Business Statement

The import into the EU of tomato derivatives that do not meet the sustainability standards required of similar European productions

150 companies,  €4.4 bn turnover,  35’000 employees
Business Statement

WBCSD Public Statement in support of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) 

225+ companies,  $5 T turnover
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Fairtrade urges EU member states to vote YES for #CSDDD

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

The EU Supply Chain Directive as an opportunity to harmonise business engagement in a clear and implementable regulatory framework

550+ companies
Multistakeholder Statement

Statement on the CSDDD

230 banks, insurances, investors and other stakeholders
Experts Statement

We must vote for the CSDDD on February 14

Business Statement

The UN Global Compact reiterates its support for efforts toward mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence worldwide

24’000 companies
European UnionEuropean Union
Church Statement

EU Member States must deliver the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Catholic bishops’ conferences of all EU member states
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Adopting the CS3D is an indispensable step toward a sustainable future

50 professional associations
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Nordic businesses call on their governments to supports the Corporate Sustainabiliy Due Diligence Directive

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

ETI reiterates call to support the CSDDD

100 companies,  €200 bn turnover
European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

CSDDD: essential to adopt agreement between Parliament and Council

Union Statement

Vote for the EU CSDDD

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is About to Face a Critical Vote

230 companies,  $7,7 T turnover
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

CSDDD: Undermining the compromise would be strategic mistake for the European economy and would create legal uncertainty

17 associations
European UnionEuropean Union
Experts Statement

CSDDD and Finnish Government’s position paper

CCR is a joint Institute between Hanken School of Economics and the University of Helsinki
International Organisation Statement

UN Working Group encourages EU Member States to adopt the draft CSDDD

European UnionEuropean Union
Political Statement

How Germany poisoned the EU supply chain law

Business Statement

AIM urges EU member states to support Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive compromise agreement

2500+ brands
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

EU due diligence law: Undermining the compromise creates legal uncertainty

Business Statement

Joint public statement on the CSDDD vote

European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

FIBS statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

300 corporate members
Union Statement

SAK, Akava and STTK: Government threatens to scrap EU CSDDD

the 3 Finnish trade union confederations | 1.8+ M individual members
Experts Statement

Statement of the Finnish Corporate Responsibility Law Association regarding the CSDDD

Experts Statement

BHR Professionals’ Call to Support the CSDDD

300+ BHR practitioners
European UnionEuropean Union
Experts Statement

On the necessary adoption of the CSDDD by the EU Council

40 academic experts
Business Statement

Our support for EU-wide legislation on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

2400+ members
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Europe needs a strong supply chain law!

150 companies
Business Statement

In the light of ongoing discussions in Germany on their position towards CSDDD, the Cocoa Coalition sent the following statement to the German chancellor

7 companies,  2 certification organizations,  3 NGO,  1 multi-stakeholder organisation (Cocoa Initiative)
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

VAUDE position paper on the FDP decision to stop the EU Supply Chain Directive

Business Statement

A Gain for Corporate Good

300+ companies
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

The CSDDD Political Agreement: A BSR Perspective

300+ companies
European UnionEuropean Union
Political Statement

Corporate due diligence: No business as usual, literally

European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

Delivering an EU-wide standard on responsible business: a joint call from business, trade unions and civil society organisations

29 companies + associations,  22 unions + CSO
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

The Volkswagen Group supports a binding legal framework that requires companies and their suppliers to respect human rights. We also welcome the EU’s legislative initiatives such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Business Statement

Business Letter to Federal Chancellor Scholz on the CSDDD

24 companies + associations
Business Statement

Open letter by Austrian companies on the CSDDD

70 companies
Business Statement

Joint letter by Swedish companies on the CSDDD

13 companies
Business Statement

Support for alignment of the CSDDD with the international standards on sustainability due diligence

43 companies + associations
European UnionEuropean Union
Union Statement

No borders for human rights in supply chains

Workers’ councils of 34 large companies
International Organisation Statement

Michel Forst – UN Special Rapporteur on environmental defenders under the Aarhus Convention

European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

Statement of the Cocoa Coalition on the CSDDD

7 companies,  2 certification organisations,  3 NGO,  1 multi-stakeholder organisation (Cocoa Initiative)
European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

Inclusion of living wage and income in EU CSDDD is essential

33 companies,  11 investors,  11 CSO/associations
European UnionEuropean Union
International Organisation Statement

Joint letter to President von der Leyen

European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

Call for effective EU legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence

39 companies + associations ,  28 investors
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Investor Statement in support of mandated human rights and environmental due diligence in the European Union

94 investors representing over $6.3 T in assets under management
European UnionEuropean Union
Business Statement

Nordic Business Network for Human Rights supports EU legislation on mandatory human rights due diligence

12 Nordic companies
European UnionEuropean Union
Multistakeholder Statement

The Swedish government should actively work for an effective regulatory framework on the EU-level

Multistakeholder-Campaign of 41 Swedish companies | 61 NGOs | 21070 individuals
Business Statement

Support for EU framework on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence

26 companies and associations, 
European UnionEuropean Union

This compilation of statements on the CSDDD is presented by the Dutch multistakeholder-coalition IDVO (Initiative for Sustainable and Responsible Business Conduct), a coalition of over 150 businesses of all sizes, academics, religious organizations, trade unions and civil society organizations.

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